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The Chardonnays! Vertical & Top Chard of the Year by Bachelder | 4 Bottles 🔥 94+ to 95pts each

The Chardonnays! Vertical & Top Chard of the Year by Bachelder | 4 Bottles 🔥 94+ to 95pts each

Regular price $240.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $240.00 CAD
Sale Archived
  • ON Niagara Escarpment VQA Twenty Mile Bench
  • 100% Chardonnay

By carefully observing how each vineyard block tastes and behaves over time, Thomas identified that the North part of the Wismer-Foxcroft block he sources fruits from was special. Taste through three vintages to see the evolution of this block!

Plus, one of our highest rated wines EVER from the Grimsby-Hillside Frontier block (#3 in Carl's Top 10 Wines of 2023) - a completely different terroir.

2018 Bachelder “Wismer Foxcroft – Parcelle Nord” Chardonnay 🔥 95pts

2020 Bachelder “Wismer Foxcroft – Parcelle Nord” Chardonnay 🔥 95pts

2021 Bachelder “Wismer Foxcroft – Parcelle Nord” Chardonnay 🔥 94+pts

2020 Bachelder “Grimsby Hillside – Frontier Block” Chardonnay 🔥 95pts

Or, choose your own mix of Bachelder wines here.

Winery: Bachelder Wines

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